9 Меdical Breakthroughs That Will Change Lives in 2017

Every new beginning is full of positivity and high hopes for the future. This is the way we feel about 2017 and what is coming next in the healthcare sector. Investigators and scientists will be working on over 50 000 clinical studies around the globe searching for new drugs and therapies to cure numerous illnesses.
The foundations of the new medical discoveries were laid persistently day by day, step by step by researchers all around the world. Not a few advancements were made during the already gone 2016.
We can look back at another important year for the healthcare industry and the patients who will be able to benefit from the 19 novel drugs that have been approved by the FDA in the USA.
Yes, 19 new drugs and 25 new medical devices were given the green light by the American regulatory agency in the past year.
The tens of billions of dollars invested in research annually give their results in completely new remedies that patients will be given access to.
The truth is that no new drug would have ever been discovered without the participation of the patients and the healthy volunteers who have dedicated their trust and time to enrolling into innovative treatment. In this way, some of them not only helped themselves but contributed to the future wellbeing of millions of people.
While all of the newly discovered drugs and medical devices are tremendously important, some of them, be they approvals or ongoing clinical trials, stood above the rest in 2016. We have selected the 9 greatest medical breakthroughs that we believe will change the life of millions of people.
Take a look at the infographic and tell us what you think!
Read more about clinical trials and health on FindMeCure’s blog