It’s been almost 70 years since the ‘refrigerator mother’ surfaced as an explanation of autism. The hypothesis, since debunked, was courtesy of Leo Kanner and Bruno Bettelheim, both physicians with the taste for the fad of the day - psychoanalysis. More wild suggestions as to what causes autism have followed. Because the cause of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) has not…
Posts By FindMeCure Team
Having a happy healthy relationship will always be a lot of work and culture isn’t shifting fast enough to address body insecurity in a significant way but some of us face additional challenges and unfair setbacks. If you recently got an ostomy or you and your doctor are considering surgery as an option, dating with a stoma bag might seem…
The 21st of the 3rd month of the year is a clever choice for a date of acknowledgment and raising awareness about Down syndrome, as it represents the cause of Down syndrome - the triplication of the 21s chromosome. We at FindMeCure enjoy easter eggs like this one, so we picked a number of myths to bust accordingly. But before…
Technology has a way of making our lives easier by automating everything we’re not so eager to do ourselves - think dishwasher, vacuum cleaner, especially the ones that clean on their own, they’re a real blessing. And, because so much of our lives is now linked to technology, our smartphones are like little treasure boxes - maybe we do the…
Colorectal cancer is the third most diagnosed cancer in the United States with prognosis for 2019 forecasting as many as 101 420 new cases of colon cancer and 44 180 of rectal cancer. And though about 90% of people diagnosed with colon cancer are over the age of 50, there is one group in particular for which the risk is…
Whether a loved one was recently given a stoma bag and you'd like to learn more about it or you yourself might need to go through surgery because of the damage done by Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis, you probably have a lot of questions about stoma bags. We at FindMeCure are very cautious of fear-mongering and awhile back we…