Posts By FindMeCure Team

According to the American Thyroid Association, one of the biggest issues with thyroid dysfunction is that it’s underdiagnosed and often misinterpreted. Because the symptoms can point to many different diagnoses and a lot of them are in fact unrecognized as reasonable concerns, thyroid dysfunction can go undiagnosed for too long. In the month of January, however, we can wear a…

We hope taking better care of your health is among your new year’s resolutions because we at FindMeCure are back on schedule, raising awareness and sharing useful information and practical tips. The month of January is recognized in the United States as Cervical Health Awareness Month and it’s the peak of year-long efforts to spread the knowledge about cervical cancer,…

Here we are, at the end of 2018, evaluating the past twelve months.  It has been a long productive year for the FindMeCure team. We grew, both in size and determination, we put a lot of effort into building a bridge between patients and the medical research industry and we had a meaningful, fulfilling 2018. It’s become a tradition by…

It’s the most wonderful time of the year and the FindMeCure team is even more jolly and hopeful. Not only are we evaluating the year soon-to-be behind us with a sense of contentment and purpose (you can look forward to our 2018 recap that will be live on December 28th), but we’re also starting to feel the Holiday spirit and…

“Why do we hate hospitals?”, Niels van Namen asks in his TED talk about the hospital of the future. He then goes on to list the awful smell and terrible food, the atmosphere of despondency, the long wait for a doctor, the journey to the hospital and the cost of stay. He even cites the frightening statistics that 64% of Americans…

All through the year, we talked innovations here on the blog. We gave you all the relevant information about the ins and outs of clinical trials, practical tips on how to deal with everyday life with a chronic disease, looked into the new treatments being developed for various conditions… And we’d like to conclude the year with some more updates…
