Тhe world is getting fatter and no one knows how to stop it. This is how an article published on Bloomberg a few months ago was titled. We all know obesity is the epidemic of the 21st century but is it as apocalyptic as it sounds? There are no doubts that obesity is a global health problem causing tons of…
Category Archives Innovations
This is Roger. Roger is a nice guy. He has a caring family and a promising job. He seems to be in his early 30`s. Roger, like all people, also has dreams. To travel the world. To build a beautiful house. To become a well respected, appreciated, maybe even famous person. To create things. Or simply to have a good…
The speed of science nowadays is extraordinary fast. Technology is blooming and humanity has never known more about the world. We live with the certainty that in a few years people will land on Mars, AI will reveal how life has emerged and a cure for cancer will be probably discovered. We look upfront and rarely turn back. Because the…