Awareness months dedicated to certain conditions and diseases allow us at FindMeCure to become advocates for change by spreading the word about less understood health issues. Underresearched and thus undertreated, with no known cause or too many variables and side effects to treatment, these diseases keep healthcare providers with their hands tied, unable to help patients as much as they…
Category Archives Miscellaneous
Despite affecting up to 1 in 7 people and being among the leading causes of disability, migraine is under-researched, under-diagnosed and in many cases - undertreated. World Brian Day 2019 is dedicated to raising awareness about the most common brain disease in the world and we at FindMeCure want to contribute to the dialogue. According to the World Brain Day…
Amidst IBS Awareness Month we want to bring your attention to some common misconceptions about IBS so as to set it apart from IBD (they’re not one and the same!) and do what April invites us to do - raise awareness about how serious and underresearched IBS is. We take this opportunity to present some facts about IBS, as well…
It’s been almost 70 years since the ‘refrigerator mother’ surfaced as an explanation of autism. The hypothesis, since debunked, was courtesy of Leo Kanner and Bruno Bettelheim, both physicians with the taste for the fad of the day - psychoanalysis. More wild suggestions as to what causes autism have followed. Because the cause of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) has not…
The 21st of the 3rd month of the year is a clever choice for a date of acknowledgment and raising awareness about Down syndrome, as it represents the cause of Down syndrome - the triplication of the 21s chromosome. We at FindMeCure enjoy easter eggs like this one, so we picked a number of myths to bust accordingly. But before…
Do you ever secretly just hate people who seem to have a ‘normal relationship’ with food? Whether they say they can eat whatever they like without gaining or losing weight or they just seem to blissfully enjoy the food on their plates with no signs of remorse or anxiety, there’s just something so triggering about them. But why? “I knew…