Infrographic: Let’s Talk About Depression on The World Health Day

Today (7th of April) is the World Health Day. This year the World Health Organisation (WHO) dedicated the day to mental health and depression in particular, which is the ground for most of the mental illnesses.
Depression affects people of all ages, from all walks of life, in all countries. It impacts people’s ability to carry out even the simplest everyday tasks, with sometimes devastating consequences for relationships with family and friends. In the worst case, depression can lead to suicidal thoughts as it is the second leading cause of death among 15-29-year-olds.
Depression is often an accompanying condition to other illnesses that in general worsen the quality of life or cause desperation and a feeling of meaninglessness.
Fortunately, depression can be prevented and treated. The most important step is reaching a better understanding of what depression is which will help reduce the stigma associated with the condition.
This is why we at FindMeCure called for your depression stories. So far, we have received really genuine and honest emails from people all around the world. We will continue to accept entries and publish all of them in a free eBook till the end of April. You can send them to
The book will be announced first here on the FindMeCure’s blog and on our Facebook and Twitter pages.
Meanwhile, if you know a person or you have a closed one fighting with constant sadness and lacking motivation for living, here are some simple things you can tell them. Please, see the infographic and share it with your circle so it can reach more people in need of support.
Let’s talk abut depression on the World Health Day. And on any other day too.

[…] your general health – your mental health as well as your physical. We have already written so much on depression, but depression is not the only mental health issue that can lead to suicide. Bipolar disorder, […]